10 augusti, 2015 15:15Posted by Admin



Raspberry (Rubus idaeus)
Family: Rosaceae
Genus: Rubus
Species: Idaeus





Raspberry is very popular berry native to Europe and northern Asia. As a wild plant raspberry grows in forests but most of the raspberries comes from cultivated plants. The stems are erect and shrubby usually 1,5 to 2,5 m long. The fruit (berries) is red to dark red, sweet and having a pleasant taste.
The intensive color comes from anthocyanin pigments. Raspberries also contain sugars, dietary fiber, vitamins (mainly C) and minerals.
Raspberry is mentioned in numerous Russian songs and poems as a sign of something sweet, attractive, good life etc.

Human food

Raspberries are eaten fresh during the harvesting season. Otherwise they are obvious in the preparation of berry preserves at home but also in industrial scale. Very popular is Raspberry and Cream Tart. In Germany and Eastern Europe is popular Himbeersirup (raspberry syrup).

Medical uses

The raspberry plant has been used traditionally to cure wide range of physical problems. Raspberry leafs contains tannins, minerals and vitamins. Leafs are used in folk medicine as raspberry leaf tea mostly as remedy for stomach problems.

Cosmetic and Beauty Products Industry

No known usage.

Industrial use

Raspberry is recognized as an important food crop by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Ecocrop code 1877). Main uses are production of sweets, jams, jellies and other kinds of berry preserves. Raspberry syrup is also produced in big quantities.


  1. Wikipedia
  2. Raspberry picture från Wikimedia